Wednesday, June 23, 2010



If you are hearing Calliope music as you read this then you too have joined the psychic circus for you’ve just telepathically tapped into my mind as I’ve typed these words in my attempt to describe the four day Hay ride with Hay House publishing speakers event, dubbed I Can Do It, back in May.
It’s a blast listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer, Greg Braden, Robert Lipton and the Grand Dame of the evening, 83 year old Louise Hay. Speaking for 2 hours, prolific author, Wayne Dyer, dives into his latest book/movie, which recaps much of his own journey of self-discovery in The Shift, subtitled From Ambition to Meaning.
What makes Wayne so appealing for this humble reporter is that all his books may seem the same, but clearly they are not. He uses his own personal growth stories as examples of what he means when it come to changing his ideas. Another words, whatever life throws at him, or what ever he’s attracted to himself, Wayne puts it down on the page into a new book. He sits at a glass-topped table in Maui, Hawaii; writing on a yellow legal pad whatever comes to mind, letting ideas come through him. Not unlike the automatic writers of the past, such as Ruth Montgomery.
In Shift, (both the film and the companion book) he lays bare how he was blindsided with both a divorce, and leukemia, two personal struggles that he did not see coming. But shifting how to see these things is the crux of his new philosophy. The film and the book propagate the message that the drive to achieve for achievements sake must be pushed aside to allow for the deeper meaning of these life-altering events to surface. It is lot to digest on a Friday night.
Louise Hay, the founder of this publishing empire, welcomed audience members before Greg Braden, bounded on stage to wake everyone with his 2-hour power point presentation with what’s really going to happen in 2012. The world is going to change, but this time to a global consciousness rising rather than a cataclysmic disaster of biblical proportions. So put off the search for higher ground unless you’re committed to the journey within.
Next on the agenda, Dr. Christiane Northrup, talking about menopause and beyond. She’s also a person who will use her own stories of pain and recovery to illustrate how to get beyond survivor mode and think of your self as thriving. We’re hard wired for pleasure and a turned on woman turns everyone on. Apparently we send out pheromones that can make everyone around us feel good.
Tantra, author, Barbara Carrellas, tells us is energy moving in the body from the base of the spine where it’s coiled like a snake, shooting up through the top of the head. Mind blowing sex follows if you focusing your attention on intention, and practice controlled breathing. The sexy bit is all about linking the sexual act, with the energy of the breath while accepting the idea that sex is a spiritual expression. Sex is good. Sex is good for our bodies, souls and the energy release is good for the planet.
She says if you ever find yourself calm after any emotional out burst, you’ve had an orgasm, of the energy kind. She gave examples of angergasms, gigglegasms being the most common. An angergasm she cautions could be destructive unless you channel it properly, illustrating it with her own encounter with a chainsaw wielding tree killer who was stopped mid hack by her high pitched shrieking that brought him to an abrupt halt. Neighbors pouring out of their apartments in Harlem, where she lives, watched the howling spectacle which thankfully brought the police.
She saved the 60-year-old pear tree, with what she described as an angergasm.
From feeling yummy to feeling happy, I listened to psychologist Marci Shimoff had me rethinking how to reset my happiness set point. We are all born with one. Glass half, full or half empty view that is about 50% of our DNA. Only 10% is circumstantial. The other 40% she said was our perceptions. So Change your perception and you can change how you feel. Our perceptions of what is actually happening in our lives, she said, depends on what it is we are focusing on. She included a short film to demonstrate just that. “Watch the people playing basket ball, and count how many times the people in white tee shirts pass the ball,” We did. I counted 14 passes but was off by four. When she queried the audience if they saw anything unusual. Turns out that a hand full of people saw a gorilla stroll threw the basket ball players. Actually, the person in the gorilla suit, stopped waved and beat his chest before strolling off camera. He was clearly visible in slow motion. But to most of us, he was invisible. Life may suck, but it’s only sucking for you in the instant you’re focusing on the difficult parts. Everything passes. In five minutes, whatever it is will not seem as catastrophic if we can shift our thinking.
She also said that we are wired to be happy and this too is good for those around us, and the planet.
Overall, I’d give this Hay House conference a big thumbs up. I bought a suitcase full of books to pore over and share chez nous.
Also, 4 days is not enough to begin to absorb all the ideas put forth at the conference. Having a room for mingling over a buffet style meal would take care of several needs, food for the body and the need to share food for thought.
Now if I could only get my head out of the clouds long enough to finish this review and post it.
